Cool boards have cool names like Lion, Fox, Tiger and Dragonfly. Members of Arrow’s Smarteverything board family they excel in wireless capabilities. If you would like to have a chance to get one of these boards for free, read on...
Being first on the market and packed with all the latest features is considered crucial to the success of a new product. But how do you achieve such a feat? Global technology provider Arrow Electronics has come to the rescue of start-up companies and design engineers with a suite of development boards intended to speed up product development.
Cool boards have cool names like Lion, Fox, Tiger and Dragonfly. Members of Arrow’s Smarteverything board family they excel in wireless capabilities. If you would like to have a chance to get one of these boards for free, simply fill out this Online Form. The winners receive their selected board free, no strings attached!
Lion (LoRa) and Fox (Sigfox)
The Lion-Board from Arrow with LoRa, the Fox-Board with Sigfox.
The heart and brains of the Lion and Fox boards from the SmartEverything family are Microchip SAMD21 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ ultra low-power microcontrollers. They are surrounded by either a LoRa (Lion) or Sigfox (Fox) module, GPS and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modules, and a crypto authentication chipset. The boards have Arduino Uno form factors, and are supported by the Arduino IDE for fast and easy software development. Atmel Studio can be used as well as an SWD port is available for programming and debugging, besides the Arduino bootloader.
The Arrow Tiger has two processors.
The Tiger board has two processors: a Microchip SAMD21 and an NXP KW41. Although the latter’s main function is multi-protocol radio communication supporting Bluetooth BLE 4.2, Thread and Zigbee, it can also be used and programmed as the board’s main microcontroller. Thanks to a built-in arbiter both MCUs can interact with the Wi-Fi module or communicate over the serial port. Like the Lion and the Fox boards, the Tiger too has an Arduino Uno form factor, and is supported by the Arduino IDE for fast and easy software development. Atmel Studio can be used as well as an SWD port is available for programming and debugging, besides the Arduino bootloader.
The Dragonfly is an Arduino Zero compatible board extended with three wireless communication options — Dusty, Sigfox and Wi-Fi —, offering short-range as well as long-range communication. The board can be used to interface the Dusty ecosystem (based on SmartMesh IP) with the cloud either directly or by means of a SmartMesh IP Wi-Fi gateway. The Dragonfly has an Arduino Zero form factor, and is supported by the Arduino IDE for fast and easy software development. Other ARM programming toolchains can be used as well as an SWD port is available for convenient programming and debugging.
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