Best of the BAY-ern — from Our Man in Munich (1)
October 03, 2018
"Schmankerln" (delicacies) from Our Man in Munich — week 40.
++<START>++ MAGMENT UG from Munich preps the first test track for contactless charging of electric vehicles while driving in Salo, Finland... an end to conventional charging stations? ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ Elektor has landed in Munich! We act instead of talking! If you want to introduce something new, please contact me! ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ Bayern vs. Silicon Valley/Bay-Area... by 2020 the Munich Urban Colab is created ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ Elektor and Messe München start their next joint cooperation: productronica fast forward Award ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ Oktoberfest was opened by Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter with 2 bell strokes, and Elektor actively participates in Bavarian culture, is an IoT based tap coming soon? ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ BMW Group and Daimler AG apply to the EU Commission for a worldwide mobility company to offer hands-on e-mobility! ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ 10 prototypes and over 20 start-ups are competing against each other, what are we talking about? Of course, the electronica Fast Forward Award! Soon! 13 through 16 November 2018, it's worth stopping by! ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ The NXP Cup without Elektor? Almost unimaginable, so it goes into the next round! Start of the next edition of the NXP Cup is in October. ++<STOP>++
++<START>++ That's all folks for this first "delicacies" from the BAY-ern, don't forget to network with us: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. If you too want to be part of the next issue, please contact me! ++<SERVUS>++
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About Udo Bormann
Udo Bormann, Marketing Manager at Elektor, is an enthusiastic advocate for electronics innovation. He's the driving force behind the electronica fast forward and productronica fast forward startup competitions, while constantly seeking the next significant ele... >>
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