At SparkFun’s SparkX Lab in Colorado, USA, engineers rapidly develop experimental products. Over the years, Nathan Seidle (Founder, SparkFun) and his creative team of engineers have developed some amazing cutting-edge designs. Are you curious about the various electronic innovations that have come out of the Lab? Do you want to know which projects have turned into successful products? Interested in learning about the peculiar designs? In a new free article titled “SparkX Standouts,” Elektor engineer Mathias Claussen highlights some of the SparkX Lab's most peculiar creations. Read the article in the Bonus Edition now!
English edition SparkX

SparkX Innovation

SparkX is an R&D lab that releases electronic products even if they aren’t sleek and polished, Claussen explains. “This actually permits access to cutting-edge development by the SparkFun engineers. If a project gets favorable feedback it qualifies for more iterations later and subsequently may make it to the regular SparkFun product lineup.”
SparkX Standout products
A few of the interesting SparkX projects covered in Claussen's article.
 Claussen covers the following products in his article:
  • Qwiic Connect System
  • HARP (hardware alternate-reality puzzle)
  • Robotic Finger Sensor v2
  • OpenLog Artemis
  • Magnetic Imaging Tile
  • 2-D Barcode Scanner Breakout
  • Qwiic IR Thermometer - MLX90614
  • Qwiic GPIO
  • And more!

Download the Bonus Edition featuring the free article to read about these innovative creations. And let us know what you think! If you end up building new projects (e.g., a robot arm or an Internet of Things application) featuring any of these products, consider posting details about your work via your Elektor Labs account.

Declassified Bonus Edition: More to Come

Stay tuned for more content from Elektor and SparkFun. We have much more store for you. Next week, we will present you with the next declassified article. And be sure to take a look at all the amazing SparkFun products we have in the Elektor Store.