With the new pre-assembled Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter kit, you can build your own precision LCR meter allowing for test frequencies of up to 2 MHz, a feature unheard of in this class. And what's more, the source code is open, available for those who want to get their hands in the cookie jar.
After the publication of the Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter project in Elektor magazine and a subsequent successful Elektor Jumpstarter Campaign, a complete kit is now available in the Elektor Store. Let's dive into some of the details.
Assembled Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter from the new kit produced by Elektor.
Elektor LCR Meter Essentials
An important parameter to characterize passive components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors) is their impedance (Z), which cannot be measured with a multimeter. To measure Z, at least two AC values are needed (in magnitude and in phase), generally the voltage across the component and the current flowing through it. In addition to impedance, other parameters are important when characterising passive components, and of course the large LCD also displays all relevant values, depending on the type of component being measured.
The Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter uses the so-called self-balancing bridge method to analyse passive components, a relatively easy method with good accuracy, at reasonable cost. Whereas the measuring range of most commercially available, high-tech equipment is limited to 100 or 200 kHz, the Elektor's meter can carry out measurements of up to 2 MHz!
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Precision, Ease of Use, Automated Calibration
When developing such a measuring instrument, there are many challenges: you will want as much functionality and accuracy as possible; you will it to be easy and intuitive to operate; and, of course, you will want it be afforable. And although it is certainly not a cheap device, we believe that the Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter kit is successful in all these respects, especially when compared to other meters with similar specifications.
The designer has paid special attention to the ease of use (including automated calibration) and ergonomics: a rotary encoder associated with five multi-function pushbuttons and a 240 x 128-pixel LCD graphic display enable users to navigate easily and intuitively in the menus, to change the frequency, and, of course, to display the measurements.
Elektor's do-it-yourself kit features a main board and a display board, which are supplied, assembled, and tested in working order. They are ready for the semi-automatic calibration that the user will do by himself thanks to the precision components present on the main board, guided by an illustrated and printed manual included in the kit.
All of the Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter kit's components were selected by Elektor, and the two included pre-assembled PCBs have been tested individually before shipping.
The LCR meter has been extensively discussed in an intro, Part I and Part II published in the Elektor magazine. Following a successful JumpStarter fundraising campaign — which ended in February 2020 — the kit for this ambitious project has been the subject of careful preparation. First, the list of components had to be adapted to the contingencies of global trade, navigating the pitfalls of the industry-wide component shortage. Once a sufficient stock of components had been built up to meet a demand for some 150 kits, it was necessary to develop a protocol for the individual testing of mass-produced boards, so that each purchaser could be sure of receiving two functionally tested boards in his kit. Main board individually tested during manufacture. Position of the components
mentioned in the semi-automatic calibration procedure (duration: 30 to 40 minutes).
Jean-Jacques Aubry, the designer of the 2 MHz LCR meter, remained closely involved in all these preparations throughout the journey. No detail was overlooked so that the assembly of each kit will go smoothly. The assembly instructions have been printed to be attached to the kit and easily consulted during the operation, but will be updated and improved as feedback is received. Updates will be available for quick download. The same goes for the software and all other information, which will always be available and up to date on the project page on Elektor Labs. Jean-Jacques Aubry himself will answer questions from buyers or anyone still hesitating to buy one.
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Ready for Your Workbench
Once assembled, the Elektor 2 MHz LCR Meter will make a great addition to your electronics workbench. Key features include:
Resistance, capacitance and inductance of components measured with an impedance of 10 mΩ to 100 MΩ and test frequencies up to 2 MHz
Four possible test voltages and additional voltage or current polarization
Precision, ease of use, automated calibration
Sturdy machined and drilled aluminum case from Hammond
Extended documentation and full source code available
Menus in four languages: English (default), Dutch, French, German
Two configurations possible: Standalone or connected to a computer
Direct interaction possible on Elektor Labs with the intrument's designer
Total assembly and calibration time (depending on your skill): 60 to 90 minutes.
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