Elektor July/August 2022: Test and Measurement
June 28, 2022
Elektor community members have always been serious about their test and measurement equipment, which is why our in-house Lab team focuses a great deal of time and effort on tools like the Elektor LCR Meter Kit and Elektor Dual DC LISN 150 kHz – 200 MHz. The community’s interest in such topics is also why we dedicate an entire issue each year to Test and Measurement tools and projects. Enjoy the July/August issue!

Inside the July/August 2022 Edition
In addition to covering test and measurement solutions, the July/August 2022 edition features articles about a variety of other interesting topics. Take a look.- Low-Cost Audio Tester: Using PC-Based Software and a USB Audio Interface
- Disruption in Test and Measurement Equipment: Innovation from the Smaller Players
- AC Grid Frequency Meter: Monitor Mains Frequency and Voltage
- A Modest Inductance Meter: An Affordable Solution for Your Workbench
- Get Started With Your Oscilloscope: Find Your Way Through the Knobs and Buttons

- Moisture Sensors for Watering Systems: Automatic Watering
- Simple Analog ESR Meter With Moving-Coil Meter Precision
- Low-Budget Tablet Oscilloscope ADS1013D: Good Value for Money?
- Acoustic Wave Hovering: A Look at the Makerfabs Acoustic Levitation Kit
- Pokit Meter Review: A Swiss Army Knife of Test Gear

- Starting Out in Electronics: Rectifiers
- E-FFWD: Looking Ahead Again!
- Raspberry Pi Pico Makes an MSF-SDR: Decode a Time Signal with a Pi Pico SDR
- Inspiration, That’s What It’s All About: Interview with Entrepreneur Walter Arkesteijn, InnoFaith Beauty Sciences
- Minimizing EMC Interference from Storage Chokes
- GUIs with Python (Part 5): Tic-Tac-Toe
- Reed Relays: Peculiar Parts, the series
- Sigfox CO2 Traffic Light: No Wi-Fi Network Needed!

- Women in Tech: “It's All About Merit Until Merit Has Tits”
- Smart Plug Teardown: Which Ones Are Hacker-Friendly?
- Skin Impedance and Skin Capacitance: Small Experiments
- From Life’s Experience: No Local Business
- Hexadoku: The Original Elektorized Sudoku
Looking for Test and Measurement Solutions? Get an Elektor Membership
Whether you are looking for test and measurement solutions or new real-world projects, Elektor is for you. Elektor members have immediate access to the July/August 2022 issue. Members enjoy benefits such as a 10% discount on most products in the Elektor Store and easy access to our online library. You can buy the issue either as a PDF or a print magazine. Ready for an Elektor membership? Sign up now!Read full article
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