LTspice Essentials: An Introduction to Circuit Simulation
Electronic circuit simulation is essential in all branches of electrical and electronic engineering. The book LTspice Essentials by Dogan Ibrahim is an introduction to circuit simulation with LTspice. It presents the most common topics of circuit simulation like DC and AC circuit analysis, parameter sweeping, transfer functions, oscillators, graphing, etc.
Electronic circuit simulation is essential in all branches of electrical and electronic engineering. Students put into practice the complex theory they have learned in their courses, giving them the chance to apply the theory to real-world experiments. Practicing engineers simulate and optimize electronic circuits before constructing them for final testing.
Why Do Circuit Simulation?
Circuit theory is a core subject that is the fundamental part of all electrical and electronic engineering courses. In conventional engineering laboratory experiments, electronic components and instruments must be purchased and then assembled to build circuits for experimentation and validation. Components must be purchased; costly instruments are required. Simulating a circuit on the other hand is much cheaper and faster. Components and instruments cannot be broken, and an unlimited amount of them is available.
The LTspice Circuit Simulator
LTspice, developed by Analog Devices, is a powerful, fast, and free SPICE circuit simulator with a large database of components supported by SPICE models from all over the world. Drawing a schematic in LTspice is easy and fast. Thanks to its powerful graphing features, you can visualize the signals, voltages, and currents in a circuit, and much more.
LTspice Essentials is aimed at electronic/electrical engineers, students, teachers, and hobbyists.
The book LTspice Essentials by Dogan Ibrahim is an introduction to circuit simulation with LTspice. It presents the most common topics of circuit simulation like DC and AC circuit analysis, parameter sweeping, transfer functions, oscillators, graphing, etc. Although this book is an introduction to LTspice, it covers most topics of interest to people engaged in electronic circuit simulation.
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Topics Covered in LTspice Essentials
Some topics covered in LTspice Essentials are:
Schematic capture
AC & DC analysis
Transient analysis
Plotting the results
Transient noise analysis
Fourier analysis (FFT)
Digital simulation
Laplace transform based transfer function analysis
Expression editor
Parameter, AC & DC sweeping
Spice models and netlists
LTspice Essentials is aimed at electronic/electrical engineers, students, teachers, and hobbyists. Many tested simulation examples are given in the book. Computer programming skills are not required, but knowledge of basic electronic circuit design and operation principles is helpful.
ISBN 978-3-89576-622-0 (SKU 20907)
ISBN 978-3-89576-623-7 (eBook, SKU 20908)
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