Power Integrations Launches 98.5% Efficient High-Voltage Motor Drive IC Family

Power Integrations today announced the release of its BridgeSwitch™ integrated half-bridge (IHB) motor driver family. BridgeSwitch features high and low-side advanced FREDFETs (Fast Recovery Diode Field Effect Transistors) with integrated lossless current sensing, resulting in efficiencies of over 98.5% in brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive applications up to 300 W.
Superior efficiency and distributed thermal footprint architecture of BridgeSwitch motor drives eliminates the need for a heatsink, reducing system cost and weight. Integrated lossless current sensing, bus voltage sensing and system thermal sensing makes this device family very attractive for BLDC motors in home-appliance applications. BridgeSwitch devices are ideal for advanced refrigerator compressors, HVAC and appliance water and circulations pumps, fans and blowers.
Visit the new Motor Drivers website: https://motor-driver.power.com/bridgeswitch
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