Superjunction MOSFETs from Nexperia

Nexperia have introduced rugged low-voltage Superjunction MOSFETs featuring an electrically and thermally efficient LFPAK56E package able to shrink board space requirement by up to 81% compared to more traditional D2PAK or D2PAK-7 solutions. The BUK9J0R9-40H features a low RDS (on) of just 0.9 mΩ and can handle a maximum load current of 220 A at 40 V for applications switching up to 1.2 kW power, to provide a cost effective solution.
The low RDS (on) and maximum current rating of 220 A of the new MOSFETs is the highest so far achieved in a Power-SO8 footprint device for use in the automotive sector. This ensures improved power density in a small footprint, particularly important for safety-critical areas of applications in the automotive sector where dual redundant systems are often stipulated. Superjunction technology provides higher avalanche capability and wider safe operating area giving improved performance under fault conditions.
The MOSFETs can also be operated in parallel for higher current applications such as vehicle power steering, transmission motor controls, ABS, ESC, pumps (water, oil and fuel), fan speed control, reverse polarity protection and DC/DC switching converters.
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