2015 saw the appearance of a gigantic fowl-house (albeit virtual) where there are only geese that lay golden eggs….. The Internet of Things!

The number of connected objects is certain to increase, and with it the market for everything connected to the IoT. But as no one has seen these geese that lay golden eggs, the big question is: what will be the standards in this world that everyone wants, but no one has ever seen?

So a consortium of French industrial leaders have launched, with the support of the government, a project for a unified platform, which should significantly reduce the costs of new applications and connected objects. They have launched this under the banner S3P, for Smart, Safe & Secure Platform, which allows rapid development and commercialization of products connected to the IoT, ensuring their reliability, cyber-security, interoperability and portability. The foreseen investment for this platform is 45 Million €.

The consortium has also launched the S3P Alliance, tasked with developing this new ecosystem to a national plan, and allowing its adoption by other industry and service leaders.

This French initiative is a response to a universally felt need, so it is thus difficult to foresee a (French) national development that is not strongly in step with the Internet of Things outside France.