News (6821)

| Virtually everybody agrees that energy efficiency is the number one energy priority for Europe, that it can provide growth, jobs, energy sec...

| Conflict and intrigue over valuable energy supplies have been features of the international landscape for a long time. Major wars over oil h...

| Future oil prices have been notoriously difficult to predict. In a recent paper, Alquist, Kilian, and Vigfusson (2011) conclude that forecas...

| If the European Commission wants to stimulate "green growth", as its official policy states, then the Emission Trading System (ETS) is the w...

| The process of hydraulic fracturing is a mining technique which uses injected fluid to propagate fractures in a rock layer to release hydroc...

| Market reformists who are trying to put an end to oil-indexed gas contracts fail to understand the unique value of the current "hybrid" pric...

| The general perception of global oil reserves is unnecessarily gloomy and far removed from reality, even among many policymakers and academi...

| Fritz Vahrenholt, head of the renewable energy arm of RWE and a former hero of the German environmental movement, has been derided in German...

| The European gas industry is bracing itself for tremendous changes. "The market is changing to a degree which has never been seen before", s...

| EU–Russia gas relations are at a critical stage in 2012. Uncertainty is predominant: The balance between security of supply and security of...