News (6827)

| Our forum is being held under the motto “Sustaining Future Global Growth”. It expresses the main task that stands before us, the energy and...

| Scientists working on climate on a daily basis must have been rather astonished by the recent interview with professor Fritz Vahrenholt publ...

| In 2011, oil production in Russia reached 511.3 million tonnes (10.26 million barrels per day), the highest level since the collapse of the...

| The next few years are crucial for the future of the Energy Charter Treaty. If it does not manage to expand its constituency and to adapt it...

| As the UK gears up for a crucial decision on the building of new nuclear power plants, the voices in support of nuclear energy are getting l...

| Hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) does not use only a lot of water, but also a lot of sand. In the US a whole new sandmining (or "frac-sand...

| In a stark message to gas producers and governments last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) set out seven golden rules which it bel...

| A new assessment of the Department of Energy & Climate Change’s (DECC) proposed energy efficiency measures and their supposed benefits to UK...

| An earlier Oxford Energy Comment (Electricity Liberalisation in the UK – the end is nigh from February 2009) forecast that the liberalised U...

| The shape of the Southern Gas Corridor is gradually becoming clear, as far as the delivery of gas from Azerbaijan to Europe is concerned. Th...