If you are looking for a reliable yet affordable four-channel oscilloscope, consider the popular Rigol DS1054Z. For less than €400, this device offers a large display, several measurement functions, and many other possibilities. These are enough reasons to try the DS1054Z in practice.
If you are looking for a reliable yet affordable four-channel oscilloscope, consider the popular Rigol DS1054Z. For less than €400, it offers a large display, several measurement functions, and many other possibilities. These are enough reasons to try the DS1054Z in practice.
The Rigol DS1054Z has been on the market for several years, but it remains one of the most popular four-channel oscilloscopes in the €400 price range. The model's most important specifications are, of course, the number of channels (4!), the sampling rate (1 Gsps for one channel), and the input bandwidth (50 MHz). Compared to competing devices, these are still very good specs for the price. As an extra, you get four software options for free nowadays — namely, a memory extension to 24 Mpts, an advanced trigger option, protocol decoders for RS-232, I²C and SPI, and a record module. All in all, this makes the device very attractive.
Rigol DS1054Z hardware
The buttons for the measuring functions.
The DS1054Z sits in a modest housing of 31x16x12 cm and weighs just over 3 kg. Most of the front is occupied by a large 7" display with a resolution of 800x480 pixels, which is still pretty much the standard in this price range. On the right side, the controls are together. Because of the limited front space, there is only one set of buttons for the vertical adjustment of the channels. With the help of push buttons, you select which channel is controlled. On the right side we find the field for the horizontal settings, the trigger part, and a number of menu keys that determine which functions appear on the right side of the display: Measure, Acquire, Storage, Cursor, Display and Utility. There is also a multifunctional rotary knob for selection in various menus.
To the left and right of the display is a large number of function buttons. Those on the left are for the measurement menu, where there is a set of measurement options for the horizontal range and a set for the horizontal range. The selected measurement values appear at the bottom of the display. The set of buttons on the right serves for the function menus.
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