When you connect the board for the first time it shows up as an external disk. Windows also finds a USB_CDC device for which it cannot install a driver all by itself. This is due to the board’s mbed interface for which you must install a driver from the mbed website. After a successful installation you should have an mbed Serial Port (COMxx), an mbed Composite Device and a new mass storage device.

The next step is to execute the self-test that is preloaded in the MCU. For this you must connect the Ethernet Port to a router, insert an SD card, a fire up a terminal program [see log file]. D4 lights up pink if all went well; without SD card it will shine red. You can now try the precompiled examples but they are not very spectacular.

After dropping a file on the mbed disk, you must reset the board manually by pressing SW1 to start the program. The LED Blink example blinks LED D4 very fast and prints the string “TEST020202020” ten times on the serial port; the Serial Out example doesn’t seem to do anything at all. Sending characters to the board makes LED D1 flash in blue, but that was all I got.