More about ATmega328 (52)

| This board, described in Elektor Magazine November-December 2016 issue, based on a AVR microcontroller ATmega 328 (as on the Arduino Uno) an...

| When a manufacturer releases a B version of an existing product the differences between the old and the new are usually small. Not so in the...

| “Yet another” stems from my dissatisfaction with commercial available button cell chargers. Most of them are Joe-Bloggs-fixed-current charge...

by criki

| This project consists of a mezzanine that permits to use an ATMega DIL28 to replace a 8x51 (8751, 8951, RA2 ...) on a board.

| This board is an evolution of the Arduino Uno R3 board. Identical form factor as the Uno but based on the ATmega328PB-AU, this board has man...

| The Elektor Uno R4 is an Arduino Uno R3 equiped with the ATmega328PB-AU featuring 2x USART, 2x I2C and 2x SPI and much more.

| Demonstration of a fun little FM radio that can be controlled over an I²C bus. Shown is how to do this in two versions. One with an ATtiny85...

| That Cortex M3 is so musical… The J²B Synthesizer was developed from the Atmegatron music synthesizer by Soulsby Synthesizers. This desig...

| Announced a few months ago at the Rome Maker Faire 2015, the new Intel Curie-based Arduino/Genuino 101 board is now finally shipping. One of...

| eRIC Nitro features an ATmega328 AVR microcontroller with Arduino bootloader and a low-power eRIC radio module operating in the ISM band (43...