All items tagged with Battery and Car (35)

| The majority of dirt cheap ordinary chargers don’t include any regulation circuitry and so will over-charge a vehicle battery if you’re unwi...

| Notebook PCs are great but stray too far from a source of power and it’s not long before low-battery warnings start to appear. Mains adapter...

| This time, Velleman have sent us a car burglar alarm construction kit for evaluation. This is a fairly simple but highly functional circuit,...

| The integrated output amplifier described in this article consists of little more than one integrated circuit. It is intended especially for...

| Many model craft are powered by 12 V rechargeable batteries. Often, it would be a godsend if these batteries could be charged by a...

| The ignition warning light in a car indicates whether the battery is being charged or not (and indeed whether it is connected properl...

| The monitor is a handy aid in cam and is particularlv suitable for radio amateurs who power their equipment from a car battery.

| The tester checks whether a transistor, n-p-n as weIl p-n-p , works or not. If it does. the buzzer emits a squeak.

| Many audio circuits need a symmetric power supply of ±12 V. If such a circuit is to be used in a car, the -12 V line must be somehow deri...

| There is a problem if you want to use a car battery to power a circuit which requires a symmetrical supply voltage. Having abandoned the i...