More about Espressif (202)

| e-ink weather station, efficient, still, simple, clear.

| this system updates the time programs and electrical convector set points already in place. the entry of the information is done by a sma...

| Internet connected mailbox that sends an email when mail is put into the box.

| My project is uses an ESP32 to drive 14 relays, two mechanical 7 segment displays, 7 LEDs and an OLED display.

| Nothing looks as nice as a clean cut lawn in spring, just annoying the amount of labor it costs ! Time to get this automated !

| Single-board computers such as the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino are now commonplace whether in industry or at home, and are gaining populari...

| The ESP as Weatherstation. He collect humidity, air pressure, temperature and may be more. Send the data to Raspi

| Deadman Switch with an ESP32, switches off Wallsocket and attached devices as soon as you leave the area

| Water tank auto level system with fail safe using ultra sound to measure water level

| Wearable ESP. Assistant and bridge