Assembling the Elektor Cloc 2.0 

When it comes to crafting your personalized alarm clock, order matters! Follow our recommended steps to guarantee the best outcome. Remember, you have the freedom to explore alternative routes if you wish.


What's Included in the Kit ?

Rest assured, everything you need to bring your Cloc 2.0 to life is conveniently included in the kit. No need to hunt for additional parts - we've got you covered!

Contents of the Kit: 
  • PCB
  • All components
  • ESP32-Pico-Kit V4
  • Hammond IR Red Translucent PC Enclosure

Resources for Your Journey

For easy access and further insights, we've compiled essential resources to support your Cloc 2.0 adventure. That includes a well detailed guide on getting started with the ESP32 and also indepth Lab notes on Cloc 2.0. 

Cloc 2.0 on Elektor Labs

If you want to enhance your understanding or just want to dive into details, take a look at Cloc 2.0 in Elektor Labs.

ESP32 FAQ on Elektor Labs

Want to master the capabilities of ESP32 with guidance by checking out our ESP32 Getting Started Guide

Ready to embark on this thrilling DIY journey?
Get your Elektor Cloc 2.0 kit and take charge of your mornings!