More about Espressif (202)

| Interested in the IoT and embedded systems? In this recent webinar, Espressif and Elektor explain Matter connectivity and explore cutting-ed...

| More Espressif-related content awaits you! Download the next free installment of the guest-edited Bonus Edition of Elektor Mag. There's some...

| The installation of a weather station usually requires the fitting of a set of dedicated sensors on the roof, which, for various reasons, is...

| Over the next few weeks, we will declassify new sections of an Espressif guest-edited Bonus Edition of Elektor Mag. Download the first batch...

| We are delighted to welcome Espressif as Elektor Mag’s 2023 guest editor. The issue is available now! Dive into projects, interviews, and tu...

| We combined the power of two Arduino Nano ESP32 microcontrollers, wireless communication, and the ChatGPT API to create a smart and interact...

| Imagine your wireless project needs both fast response times and long-range capabilities? Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are unsuitable for such applic...

| YouTuber Bitluni designed an ESP32-S3 VGA board to achieve remarkable resolution and color fidelity. He leveraged the Espressif ESP32-S3’s L...

| The ESP32-S3-EYE board from Espressif is a platform designed specifically for evaluating image recognition and other AI applications. It com...

| With its focus on memory and thread safety, Rust is a popular language for producing reliable and secure software. But is Rust a smart solut...