More about OS Windows (150)

| Early 1995, Yamaha introduced a new range of synthesizers with interesting interface capabilities. For the first time, these machines were c...

| Our PCB drilling machine provides a link between a Windows PC and the motors and solenoids of the machine itself: a microcontroller integrat...

| CAN is currently the de facto standard for bus systems in the automobile industry. The fact that sales of CAN-related components have surpas...

| The SoftwareIn addition to this circuit, a PC is necessary onto which the requisite Windows program needs to be installed. Continuing in the...

| I/O interfaces are published regularly in this magazine. Yet, each and every of them has its own special properties which makes it almost un...

| Credit cards, Eurocheque cards, other types of bank cards and car park tickets: even if many of these cards contain chips, they all have mag...

| Here’s a simple project with Windows control software that allows you to control up to eight relays or other actuators, and read back an equ...

| What’s this, a professional-looking keyboard with no legends on the keycaps? This is intentional, so that you can choose the function perfor...

| It’s hard to keep track of how many running text displays you run across nowadays. You can find them used as decorations in shop windows, as...

| This article describes how to write PIC 16C84 assembler code programs using a compiler written for the Windows 95/98 platform.The PIC compil...