All items tagged with Power and Wireless (25)

| Control your lights at home, your LEGO Robots and many other wireless projects with the Pretzelboard, a low cost yet powerful easy-to-use I...

| Wireless energy transfer is the future! With this small experimenting set you can explore this technology yourself! Very little is required...

| eRIC Nitro features an ATmega328 AVR microcontroller with Arduino bootloader and a low-power eRIC radio module operating in the ISM band (43...

| Researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have developed a new communication technique which could drastically reduce the amount of en...

| TEXAS Instruments has announced the new SimpleLink ultra-low power wireless MCU platform. The platform has been designed to use so little en...

| NXP Semiconductors has announced a family of small-footprint wireless modules based on the ultra-low-power JN5168 microcontroller. Supportin...

| Texas Instruments has launched a pair of ICs designed to simplify wireless power solutions for mobile devices, consisting of a single-chip w...

| Electrical engineers of the University of Princeton are working on a cheap solar-powered charging system that can be printed on plastic and...

| Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) have developed a system that can transfer power wireless...

| Meridith Perry, a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (USA), has developed a novel method for powering electronic devices wire...