More about Raspberry Pi (521)

by bera

| A car approaches the boom barrier near the desolate gate. The automatic speaker asks the driver to slow down and come closer not beyond 6 me...

| The range of camera modules for use with Raspberry Pi boards has been extended with the new Camera Module 3 featuring many enhancements comp...

| With their favored Teensy 3.6 boards being unavailable, Adafruit and friends have again demonstrated resourcefulness by using bit-banged USB...

| This ingenious project for the Game Boy brings video output to a Game Boy. It sits between cartridge and device and outputs webcam video via...

| From Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton himself comes good news from the supply chain.

| [Partner Content] In recent years, the meaning of the term ‘development board’ has become lost in the myriad of terms being used to describe...

| Kitty Labs brings us the Kitty 3000 Cat Treat Dispenser. What better way to keep your domestic friend happy without having to get up from yo...

| Human Interface Device specifications for USB have brought together keyboards, mice, and trackballs, as well as game controllers, tablets, t...

| Keeping track of power outages is a useful endeavor when you can’t rely on the grid and would like to be prepared with some intelligence. Th...

| The Pimoroni Automation 2040 W carrier board for the Raspberry Pi Pico W brings production line ruggedness to the Pico W.