All items tagged with Robotics and Drones (21)

| “Autonomous weapons select and engage targets without human intervention. […] Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has reached a point wh...

| Drones will eventually be “as ubiquitous as pigeons”, London-based futurist Liam Young recently predicted. They are omnipresent already. Onl...

| Lethal autonomous weapon systems become feasible in a matter of years not decades. As technological development steamrolls on, an internatio...

| Transcend Robotics has created a mobility platform that can negotiate stairs and obstacles. Makers can build their own robotic project on to...

| At the Embedded Linux Conference Europe held in Dusseldorf in Germany the Linux Foundation have announced an initiative called Dronecode whi...

by JB

| Obstacle-avoiding navigation supplied standard

| Circuit Cellar Can MoS2 Outperform Silicon? audioXpress New Products: BT Speaker, Amp Kit, more Tech The Future DroneNet: Decentralized Deli...

| At the recent Drone and Aerial Robots Conference (DARC) held in New York, Henri Seydoux, CEO of the French company Parrot presented a detail...

| An Internet of drones. That is what John Robb, inventor and military strategist, proposes to tackle the problems related to last mile delive...

| Robotics could be the next transformative technology. But the industry needs an open platform model to drive rapid innovation and consumer a...