More about science (36)

| In 2003 Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom raised the question: Are you living in a computer simulation? Now scientists say they can test whet...

| Orbiting at the altitude range of 350-400 km, the International Space Station provides a unique opportunity to conduct scientific experiment...

| Players of the online game Foldit produced accurate models of an enzyme. For over a decade scientists had been trying to determine the struc...

| A United States National Research Council Committee has released the final report of America's Climate Choices. The most extensive report on...

| Since we have so much CO2, why not use it in our benefit? The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded the University of Massachusetts Amherst...

| Supercomputer company Cray will build a computer that will likely be able to perform around 1 million billion (!) calculations a second (a p...

| Modern sewage facilities need huge amounts of energy to turn your dirty business into clean water. In conventional sewage plants it goes a l...

| NASA demonstrated a small underwater vehicle that is able to supply itself with energy. To generate energy, the vehicle uses temperature dif...

| Biometry or biometrics is currently in the limelight, largely because this technology is likely to be used in the near future for passports...

| Today some aspect of chaos theory is often seen in science magazines and even newspapers. Does it have any relevance to radio and othe...