More about temperature (175)

| If we define 'cold' as the absence of heat, we’re heading in the right direction in terms of physics. Like darkness, cold is not ‘re...

| The LM335 is a low-cost temperature sensor with a range of –40 +100 degrees celcius. In this circuit, it is used to show whether the outside...

| When designing a precision outdoor temperature sensor it is a good idea to electrically isolate the sensor from the signal conditioning circ...

| The previous applications we presented for E-blocks made use of fairly elementary data input/output modes: switches or photo-electric barrie...

| Weather stations with a wireless connection between the sensors and the base station don't cost that much these days. For a song add one...

| This circuit can be used to turn the pump on and off when a solar collector is used to heat a swimming pool, for example. This way the water...

| Based on the MS5534 pressure sensor made by the Swiss company INTERSEMA (specialized in pressure measurements), with one metre resolution in...

| The switching threshold of the MAX6509 temperature switch from Maxim can be programmed over a range of –40 °C to +125 °C using an external r...

| This temperature logger is a device which continuously records two temperatures for subsequent analysis on a PC. Thanks to its I2C bus it ca...

| The tiny surface-mount SHT11 sensor module provides calibrated digital readings of temperature and relative humidity. The chip includes two...