As everybody seems to be talking about ChatGPT over the past weeks, we decided to give it a try too. In this video, we will have a look at this amazing chatbot to see if it can be useful as a tool for designing electronic circuits and writing embedded software.

As shown in this video, we found that ChatGPT is quite a clever bit of software but shouldn’t be relied on as a serious design tool. We highly recommend handling its answers and suggestions with care. Yet, it can come up with some surprising ideas and connections that maybe you didn’t think of before. So, why not use the chatbot as a sparring partner to bounce ideas off?

    What do you think of ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT Can be Wrong

    Also, even though ChatGPT cannot provide false or misleading information intentionally, it can be utterly wrong. Clearly, it is only as good as the information it disposes of. You know the dictum: garbage in equals garbage out. It is like a chatting Wikipedia: do not believe everything it tells you.


    Want to learn more about AI?

    Artificial Intelligence for Beginners (1)
    AI for Beginners (2)