Elektor Team (8191)

| Morse is still alive and has its staunch supporters. Let’s see if Arduino can help us decode these mysterious beeper-di-beep signals.

| For the DDS Function Generator in the November & December 2015 edition a separate power supply section was designed that provides three diff...

| From Elektor Labs website highlights like a DCF77 time signal emulator and a guitar amp that’s controlled by a Raspberry Pi 2 and MIDI, righ...

| Here is a selection of projects that combine old and new technologies in interesting ways. Get inspired too and revive that old, useless gad...

| Soldering well is an art, particularly when it concerns the super-small SMD components. In Elektor we have already described on numerous occ...

| This edition: - DDS Function Generator - 500 ppm LCR Meter - UltiProp Clock

| We we asked for your help with the design of a switching power supply. In response we received a lot of answers, which we looked at one by o...

| Every electronics enthusiast will own a scientific calculator or an app with comparable functionality on their smartphone. Nevertheless it c...

| One of my areas of responsibility is for all aspects of the ‘Internet of Things’. I’ve been reading all I can about the subject and also att...

| When you think of vacuum tubes, I bet you the first thing you think of is a bulky, heavy audio amplifier with large glowing glass tubes humm...