Elektor Team (8188)

| 6 to 12 volt converter via diode D3. In theory, therefore, the final effect of the circuit is to treble the input voltage, but in practice C...

| 7-76 — elektor july/august 1981 12 V to 6 V converter produce an output voltage between 6 V and types The maximum output current of mentio...

| touch-sensitiv 16 channel multiplexer CMOS multiplexer/demultip e Analogue signals with a voltage of anything between 0 V and 12 V can be ap...

| 7-78 — elektor july/august 1981 dual input channel selector The circuit described in this article is a different kind of solution to the 1...

| 16 input channel selector sixteen This is the third method of controlling the channel multiplexer described in this issue. The first describ...

| 7-80 — elektor july/august 1981 K. Hense post office letter scales voltage regulator, IC1. For this reason, the regis- tered tariffs are r...

| 85 mains LED The very long life span of LEDs make them emi- Howev r, theira nently suitable for on/off indicatnors. ctedesince use on mains...

| low no resonant oscillator lusted for maximum outp It may not be very widely known that overtone oscillators can operate in the parallel res...

| of the most coupling a van lights One caravan connector tester the connecting pins in the socket operate as and when they should. Simply plu...

| 744 — elektor july/august 1981 universal digital meter This digital meter is a great improvement on the pre- vious design (January 1979) t...