J. Ruffell (55)

| Our earlier publications on I²C-compatible circuits having met with a great deal ot interest, we now move on to a tour-digit seven-segment...

| This article discusses a compact interface that allows PC users to communicate with I²C compatible ICs and circuits. The interface compris...

| Measurement amplifiers are used to magnify the output of all kinds of sensor so that the signal can be processed as appropriate in, among...

| The I²C interface (Inter-IC Communication) is a Philips invention that has been in use for years to enable ICs to communicate with each ot...

| A reliable, sturdy switch-mode power supply is not the easiest of electronic circuits to design, as many of you may have found out the...

| Having dealt with sensor interfaces that measure temperature and relative humidity, we now tackle two other important meteorological param...

| Thermometers that depend on the Seebeck (thermoelectric) effect have been in use for many years. The thermocouples (sensors) used in these...

| The measurement card for the indoor /outdoor thermometer "may be provided with the additional LED indicator shown in the diagram to check...

| This is an improved version of the slave mains on-off control published in the July 1990 issue of Elektor Electronics. The circuit has be...

| Texas Instruments' TPIC2404 is a monolithic, high-voltage, high-current, quadruple switch especially designed for driving peripheral loads...