Elektor January/February 2023


Elektor has a long history dating back to the 1960s of publishing innovative audio- and video-related projects and tutorials. Here are just a few examples: "Distortion Meter" ("distorsiemeter," 1961), "2x24 Watt HiFi Amplifier" ("2x24Watt-HiFi-versterker," 1970), "elekterminal" (1978), "Video Selector" (1985), "Video Amplifier for B/W Television Sets" (1985), "Audio T-Board" (2015), "Imaging and Video-Streaming with a Raspberry Pi 4" (2021), and "A Fliege Notch Filter for Audio Measurements" (2022). You could easily spend hours looking through the Elektor library to find countless other inspiring audio and video projects. But before you dive into past articles, check out the January/February 2023 edition! Consider starting with Elektor engineer Mathias Claussen’s article, “Video Output with Microcontrollers.”  In the first article in his two-part series, Mathias covers the output of composite video. Other projects and articles in the issue cover topics such as a 32-Ω headphone amp, industrial vision, an innovative tube amplifier design, using light for sound effects, an ESP32 camera, and much more. Enjoy!




Webinar - Microcontrollers as Pixel Artists


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Join Elektor engineer Mathias Claussen and assistant editor Brian Tristam Williams as they go in-depth on microcontrollers and video! In this free webinar, Mathias and Brian will introduce you to the field of graphics output and pixel generation with microcontrollers. Starting with composite video and moving forward with VGA, you will see at the end that even a small sub-$1 microcontroller can generate a DVI signal. Besides generating video signals, getting pixels nicely arranged involves some trickery that will presented in this webinar too! From 3D sprites to 3D graphics, with some creativity and a little knowhow, amazing results are possible. Don’t miss the webinar on February 9, 2023, at 16:00 (Berlin time).

Mathias Claussen is a senior engineer and technical editor at Elektor. You can read many of his articles at www.elektormagazine.com/claussen. You also can watch Mathias on the monthly Elektor Lab Talk livestream on YouTube (www.elektormagazine.com/elt), where you can ask him your questions live! 
Brian Tristam Williams bought his first Elektor Magazine at 16, and has been orbiting our ecosystem ever since. From 2010, he began translating and editing for Elektor. Currently, he is an Assistant Editor (English) for Elektor Mag. You can find him on Twitter at @briantw.

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