Simple nixieclock [140013-I]

For sure: this is not a very original project: countless people designed a clock. Why another one? Well, this is a very compact clock built with 4 nixie tubes. It fits in a small box (17 x 9 cm) and the time is acquired with a GPS module, so no adjustment is needed. If there is any interest I will write a projectdescription.Buy the PCB and programmed controller in the Elektor shop:
For sure: this is not a very original project: countless people designed a clock. Why another one? Well, this is a very compact clock built with 4 nixie tubes. It fits in a small box (17 x 9 cm) and the time is acquired with a GPS module, so no adjustment is needed. If there is any interest I will write a projectdescription.
Buy the PCB and programmed controller in the Elektor shop:
Nixie tubes are obsolete, but there are still loads of them available (NOS and used) on Ebay, and of course there are (web)shops selling vintage electronic parts.
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