10-14 -- elektor october 1981 plug-in EPROM programmer The 2716 is rapidly becoming one of the most popular of EPROMs. And with good reason. The price is right, for one thing — although we would be the last to complain if it drops any further! Furthermore, it only needs a single supply voltage, which makes life a lot easier, and it is virtually pin-compatible with the "old" 2708s. The last remaining obstacle to widespread use is the need for a means to program them. The rules of the game are fairly simple, as shown in figure 1. You need a 25 V programming voltage, and a program- EPROM programmer program 2716s the easy way! The circuit described here can be used to load programs or other data into 2716 EPROMs. For this fairly complicated job it uses only a single 555 timer and one TTL IC, plus a handful of little components. Impossible? Not when you are going to use the EPROM in a micro- processor system! In that case, you can often get the μP itself to do most of the work. ming...
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