FT232R USB/Serial Bridge/BOB

Extra info / Update
Supplementary information
Issued: October 10, 2011.
The metallised semicircles at the edge of the PCB is a feature of the BOB-FT232R. This advanced technology allows the vertical SIL connectors (supplied with the module) to be soldered, as well as the module itself to be soldered directly in "piggyback" fashion onto a board of your own design. To assist you with the design of a suitable footprint, a library for Eagle CAD software (http://www.cadsoftusa.com/) is provided free of charge on this web page.
To facilitate the soldering of the vertical connectors customers are advised to use a piece of dense foam (like antistatic foam used to hold through-hole components) or a breadboard, or a carrier PCB (if correctly drilled).
The 3.3 V or 5 V I/O level voltage MUST be defined. This is done with a drop of solder tin on the relevant SMD jumper position on the board (JP1). Be careful not to solder all pads together as that will damage the board.
Component list
R1,R2 = 270Ohm (0603)
C1, C2 = 47pF (0603)
C3 = 10nF (0603)
C4 = 4.7?F 6.3V (0603)
C5, C6 = 100nF (0603)
L1, L2 = ferrite bead >30Ohm @ 100 MHz / 1.5 A (0603)
IC1 = FT232RQ
D1 (TX) = LED, green (0603)
D2 (RX) = LED, red (0603)
K1 = USB mini-B connector
18-pin (2x9) pinheader, right angled Pinheader
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