More about Controller (360)

| [Partner Content] Microchip extends its functional-safety-certified family of capacitive maXTouch® touchscreen controllers with the MXT448UD...

| Countless microcontrollers are deployed in the IoT. Here are a few facts about the MCU that everyone should know.

| If you want to build Internet of Things applications, you must understand the 8-bit microcontroller. Tam Hanna, author of Microcontroller Ba...

| This is a submission from Microchip on its next generation AVR® DA family of microcontrollers (MCUs) – its first Functional Safety Ready AVR...

| If you want to build Internet of Things applications, you must understand the 8-bit microcontroller. Tam Hanna, author of Microcontroller Ba...

| This is a submission from SECO on the SENSE-D01, their newest microcontroller for industrial applications. SENSE-D01 is SECO’s enfant terrib...

| In this new book Elektor author Tam Hanna presents all essential aspects of microcontroller programming, without overloading the reader with...

| Although most modern microcontrollers have an internal watchdog timer, that may not be safe enough for the system to rely on it. The built-i...

| This is a submission from Microchip Technology Inc. on the industry’s first space-qualified Ethernet transceiver – a radiation-tolerant devi...

| The GreatFET One board created by Great Scott Gadgets is designed around an LPC4330 dual-core microcontroller from NXP. The board comes prel...