Next Month in Elektor

Elektor Project Generator Edition 2014
The annual extra-thick edition with an extra bunch of circuits.
Next month we publish the famed double issue for the months of July and August. Coveted, highly valued and collected by readers, Elektor’s Summer PGE is dreaded by the competition who never managed to publish anything remotely similar.
The edition contains a mix of large and small projects. Editors and designers are now burning their midnight oil to fill the 2014 Summer PGE with detailed high quality texts, illustrations, schematics, boards, programs and original electronic applications.
Don’t miss it, this Jumbo edition of Elektor packed with a ton of Elektorized electronic engineering.
Some large projects in PGE 2014:
Switch-mode Lab Power Supply
An ingenious circuit incorporating a custom-designed flat transformer with PCB track windings. The PSU has two LED displays for the current and voltage readout. The output is interruptible using a relay, and capable of sourcing up to 30 V, 1 A.
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
A handy little meter built around the ATtiny4313 and using two standard ultrasonic sensors. A 2-line display indicates the measured distance in mm, cm, inches, feet or yards selected by the user.
IO-Warrior Extension Board
This multifunctional board offers vast number of inputs and outputs which make it highly suited to a variety of measurement and control applications via the PC. The communication with the PC is effectively via an IO Warrior module, for which a demo program is available written in Visual Basic Express.
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