It took a while, but now they’re here: the Anet A6 3D printers have arrived at the Elektor warehouse in Susteren. The printers and accompanying filament spools were shipped in sea containers from China a month ago and arrived in Rotterdam last week.
It took a while, but now they’re here: the Anet A6 3D printers have arrived at the Elektor warehouse in Susteren. The printers and accompanying filaments were shipped in sea containers from China. They left a month ago and arrived at the Port of Rotterdam last week.
As you probably know, Elektor had a special offer on the Anet A6 3D printers in September. The interest in these printers was so overwhelming that our supplier in China was not able to process the large number of orders immediately. As a result, the patience of the early-bird buyers was put to the test.
Fortunately, we have good news now: our warehouse staff are working hard to get the printers shipped as quickly as possible. We expect that everyone who ordered a printer will receive it within two weeks – well in time for Christmas.
Our warehouse staff are working hard to ship the Anet A6 3D printers.
The Anet A6 3D printer comes as a kit and is popular due to its attractive price/quality ratio. The printer can still be ordered in the Elektor Store. Orders received by Monday, 11 December 2017 will also benefit from the special offer. We have put together an attractive package, consisting of the 3D printer and three PLA filaments in the popular colours black, blue and transparent. In addition, you receive a discount coupon worth €24.95 (about £22 or $30) for buying a fourth filament in the colour of your choice.
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