Technology can help you save energy in your home, but it comes at a price that may outweigh its potential gain. Is home automation worth the trouble?

In this episode of Elektor Lab Talk, Mathias Claussen and Jens Nickel talk about home automation and in particular energy saving (or not) with automated homes, offices and other buildings. What is smarter, let a computer program decide when to switch on or off the heating and lights or let the user do it her- or himself?

Home Automation Consumes Energy

Of course, technology can help you save energy in your home and office, but it comes at a price that may outweigh its potential gain. Many sensors communicate over Wi-Fi with the home automation controller. All these devices, including the Wi-Fi router, continuously consume energy as they are always on. Jens and Mathias identify the culprits of hidden energy consumption and give suggestions on how to improve things.

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