Multimeter module links to iPhone or iPad

The iDVM digital multimeter from Redfish Instruments Inc. wirelessly connects to an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to enable users to acquire, visualise and share measurement data on their Apple devices. Unlike conventional multimeters, the iDVM does not have its own display or controls, but instead piggybacks on the iPod, iPad or iPod Touch screen with the aid of a special app. According to Redfish, this novel approach provides instrument users with a familiar user interface that allows them to interact with electronic test and measurement tools in a previously impossible manner.
Conventional multimeters do not provide an easy way to export or save data, but the iDVM enables users to log data over an extended period using the iPhone or iPad as a data storage device. Service engineers can use the iDVM to collect and save data for inclusion in reports for their customers, or store data for their own records. Using the iPhone or iPad GeoTag feature, users can even annotate the logged data with the geographical location where the data was collected..
Potential users of the iDVM include automotive technicians, advanced embedded systems engineers, electrical or building contractors and field service staff. The iDVM app can be downloaded free from the Apple App Store and the iDVM, priced at USD 220, will begin shipping in June 2011.
Image: Redfish
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