News (6822)

| China’s ambitious new gas development policy, troubles in the nuclear sector, the need to reduce carbon emissions and the discovery of vast...

| France’s ‘green vote’ kills shale gas – and targets nuclear power as well By Yves de Saint Jacob France became the first country in Europe...

| Back from holiday? Please note that EER is taking a break in August. We will be back with new publications on the 29th of August. Ready for...

| Further research into a little-known theory on the effects of low-level toxic exposure could revolutionise the way we assess radiation risk,...

| The P-word is back – the Government’s latest White Paper on electricity market reform (published on 12 July) is entitled Planning our electr...

| France became the first country in Europe to explicitly outlaw hydraulic fracturing. The move is symptomatic of a wider change in French pub...

| Russia’s Gazprom is aggressively expanding its presence in Europe by building new pipelines and buying up gas storage capacity. After a diff...

| The companies, scientists, academics and environmental NGOs that together make up the Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP) have undertaken a ground...

| The European Commission’s first-ever Energy Efficiency Directive, which was unveiled last month, has the traces of fierce disagreements and...

| In the wake of global (energy) turmoil embodied in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the global financial crisis, the Arab Spring and the Fuk...