News (6822)

| It has been one year now since European Energy Review (EER) changed from a paper magazine to a fully online medium. In this brief update, I...

| The AEO2011 presents long-term projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2035 based on results from EIA's National Energy Mod...

| Eurogas has finalised its statiscal report 2010. The data presented in this report has been collected with the assistance of the national ga...

| It is generally accepted that Norwegian oil production peaked in 2001, but both in Norway and in the EU it is assumed that gas production in...

| The European Commission’s recent proposal to ban carbon credits from emission reductions of certain controversial projects in China and Indi...

| Backed by the EU’s Concerto programme, 58 cities in Europe are carrying out energy efficiency and sustainability projects, often in very dif...

| The strategy of the Dutch government to strengthen the position of the Netherlands in the European gas market - to become "the gas roundabou...

| Energy efficiency is the cornerstone to meeting our climate change goals and in enabling us to meet growing energy needs. If per capita ene...

| The German solar power sector has a key role to play in the move toward 100% renewable energies by 2020, provided it targets its efforts car...

| In Ukraine, deployment of traditional and renewable energy generation technologies is gradually moving forward. Potential of renewables in U...