The programs

The program listings appear page-wide both in the printed book and the e-book, and are not truncated by page layouting. All software examples can be downloaded easily by first going to the book’s support and information page and then locating:

Note that “Content download” actually means “Contents page download”. Clicking on the software download fetches a 2-megabyte zip file called ‘”. Unzipped on your PC, the file creates a folder that contains all the demo programs named after the “project” carried out and described in the book. Here’s what it looks like:


B4A is an easily accessible method of developing your own Android apps from scratch. The trial version is satisfactory to say the least. The book rightly gives B4A the attention it deserves in the highly diversified and competitive field of programming tools for Android hardware and interfacing. Bringing in ‘good fellas’ like the Arduino, RPi, ESP32 and especially Wi-Fi, adds a perfect bridge for many fans of these computerettes to cross with ease towards total connectivity of their home developed programs running on an Android smartphone.
As a minor criticism of the book, it is slightly lacking in personal tone and ways of expressing the relative difficulty or fun factor of the projects. Also, problems, mishaps and bugs encountered during the development of the projects are rare if not non-existent in the book when surely they must have occurred — an occasional mention should not have distracted from the strong educational impact the book exhibits.

Android App Development for Electronics Designers
with Basic for Android — B4A

By Dogan Ibrahim
242 pages, soft bound
Price €26.96 (members); €29.95 (non-members / rrp)
Contents Preview and Software Examples available through above link