All items tagged with Battery and Circuit (29)

| This design is based on the celebrated 555 timer IC, and changes a positive voltage of 9 V into a negative one. A low-power dc-dc conver...

| Developments in the world of rechargeable batteries, and the new models that have appeared in recent years, such as the metal hydride...

| This little circuit exploits the fact that the remaining capacity of a Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) rechargeable battery is virtually proportiona...

| Input selection in the battery operated preamplifier published in the January 1997 issue of this magazine is by rotary switch. This does...

| This circuit allows you to accurately measure the capacity of a rechargeable battery by discharging it at a constant current until the deep...

| Many camcorder enthusiasts use their spare battery for powering video lights. Many such lights give no indication when the hattery has g...

| The circuit presented, although a simple design, guarantees a prompt and reliable indication of any form of water leak. It is hardly l...

| The tester checks whether a transistor, n-p-n as weIl p-n-p , works or not. If it does. the buzzer emits a squeak.

| There is a problem if you want to use a car battery to power a circuit which requires a symmetrical supply voltage. Having abandoned the i...

| There are often occasions when a higher direct voltage is required than an available battery can provide. In many such cases, the circuit...