All items tagged with Alarm and Car (16)

| For car alarms, emphasis should be put on hearing the audible alert and identifying it as belonging to your ‘wheels’. Unfortunately, modern...

| The car alarm described here detects changes in the tilt angle of the vehicle in which the alarm is installed. It is set off when the change...

| This time, Velleman have sent us a car burglar alarm construction kit for evaluation. This is a fairly simple but highly functional circuit,...

| Every day a large number of private cars get stolen or broken into. One of the available deterrents against car thieves is a loud car ala...

| Although it has no detector or alarm actuation device of any kind, the present circuit may still function as a deterrent against car thi...

| The circuit described here is a car theft deterrent that locks the starting motor until a pre-programmed code is recognized.

| These days, an increasing number of lorries and buses is filled with loud sirens and other actuators to warn pedestrians that the vehic...

| 041 CAR ELECTRONICS The car alarm accepts signals from a variety of sources, includ- ing special sensors and the standard switches in a car,...

| 00 Many cars are fitted with some sort of alarm system as protection against petty criminals and joy riders. Most of these systems rely on a...

| The purpose of this one-chip circuit is to give an audible alarm in case a thief attempts to steal the car radio, which is generally conside...