More about cars (58)

| The application of nanotechnology brings the use of hydrogen as an alternative to gasoline one step closer. Encapsulating the hydrogen in a...

| The electric car is everybody’s darling but there are still technical difficulties to overcome before we’ll witness full-scale implementatio...

| By a big margin, Toyota is number one in hybrid car sales and indeed in sales of electric vehicles overall thanks to such things as sales of...

| A portable navigation system often suffers from poor reception when used inside a car. This can easily be improved with the help of an activ...

| The hydrogen hype of the first few years of the new millennium is well and truly over. So, are car manufacturers still working on hydrogen p...

| The George C. Marshall Institute has released a new paper examining the viability of electric cars.  Authored by the Institute's CEO, Willia...

| It's almost time for me to buy a new car, but what to get? Amsterdam is a great city to live in as an EV owner; a free parking spot right in...

| The author set to work equipping a model car with realistic indicators, headlights, tail lights and brake lights. The basic idea was to tap...

| A new process for storing and generating hydrogen to run fuel cells in cars has been invented by chemical engineers at Purdue University....

| A lot of 'eco-blogs' are flooded with messages and reviews of so called NEV's (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) and electric bicycles. It keep...