More about Display (148)

| This peripheral circuit for the 89S8252 Flash Board provides a largeformat, 10-character running-text display using dot-matrix modules.The s...

| Okay, your microcontroller program is finished and now you want to see some text and other stuff on a display. Unfortunately, the LCD you ha...

| The EDE707 from E-Lab Digital Engineering ( has been designed to drive a maximum of eight 7-segment displays, using only fou...

| In the search for original running text displays that catch your eye, manufacturers keep coming up with interesting variations that combine...

| The website ‘World of electronics’ (, from the German Michael Gaus, makes a tidy and well-organised impression. It offers the...

| Thanks to a built-in microprocessor, this clock has a wide range of features and settings. The six large figures of its display, which is ma...

| Voltmeters with LED display are very useful instruments for repair and maintenance work on electronic equipment. Unfortunately, their reso...

| The LM3914 is a truly versatile component. Besides LEDs, only a few other components are needed to make the ‘bidirectional’ bargraph voltm...

| The portable test instrument described in this article supplies RGB test signals for VGA colour displays as used in many of today’s co...

| If a PIC is used for example in a timer application, such as a programmable clock timer, the majority of the circuit is taken up by the us...