All items tagged with Display and Gerber (8)

| They say “Curiosity killed the cat”, as if it were some kind of undesirable character defect. But I see it more as a positive quality, essen...

| In the 2014 July/August issue of Elektor we wrote about our Arduino Extension Shield that, in particular for the Arduino Uno, provided addit...

| What do you pick when you want to design “something” with a vintage or modern display? A clock of course! This is our first design with ’RGB...

| Conventional low-energy lamps are a dying breed as we have entered the LED era. LEDitron is a seven-segment display module made from LED fil...

| The Maxim MAX7219 is controlled over an SPI port, requiring just four I/O pins on the microcontroller. It can drive up to eight individual s...

| The prices of graphic displays are dropping, which makes them increasingly attractive for many applications. However, programming a graphic...

| This peripheral circuit for the 89S8252 Flash Board provides a largeformat, 10-character running-text display using dot-matrix modules.The s...

| Okay, your microcontroller program is finished and now you want to see some text and other stuff on a display. Unfortunately, the LCD you ha...