| A low-cost microcontroller drives a D/A converter, whose output signal is filtered using a bandpass in order to suppress alias frequencies....
| A low-cost microcontroller drives a D/A converter, whose output signal is filtered using a bandpass in order to suppress alias frequencies....
| In battery-powered, microcontroller driven circuits, as well as with microcontrollers operating in cars, it is desirable to switch the micro...
| This month we have look at EDW in NC, the software bundle that integrates programs for schematic drawing, circuit simulation and printed...
| This circuit, aimed at electronic and power electrical engineers, is a test and simulation instrument for ambitious experiments. In combinat...
| A triangular waveform generator can be converted into a very precise analogue-to-digital converter with the aid of a single resistor. This...
| A generator is described that, based on the MAX038, provides triangle, sawtooth, sine, rectangular and pulse waveforms.
| A circuit is described that, controlled by a computer, generates perfect sine wave signals.
| A simple function generator is described, which provides rectangular, triangular and sinusoidal waveforms in the frequency range d.c.-1 00...
| Oscillators exist in a bewildering number of types and variants, each with its own, specific, features. A type known for its near-perfect s...
| Infra-red remote control of audio and video equipment has been the subject of several articles in Elektor Electronics. This 80C32 applica...