More about Neopixel (19)

by weigu

| NeoPixel clock using NTP and a minimum of hardware.

| You can of course buy remotely controlled, Wi-Fi-connected multi-color lamps from several suppliers. Why would you want to build one yoursel...

| Clocks keep inspiring people. They can be decorative and useful at once, and as there is always room for one more they make for great gifts....

| This clock has two NeoPixel rings and some moving parts controlled by an ESP8266 that together form an object that can even display time in...

| WordClocks with 8*8 or 10*10 NeoPixel-Matrix, ESP8266 and a BASIC-Program based on ANNEX WiFi-RDS . Matrixes are made with Laserprinter or 3...

| A kinetic object that shows the time at two concentric NeoPixel-rings

| The effect of gravitational acceleration on an object is demonstrated with a virtual ball rolling and bouncing on a Neopixel-based LED bar....

| NeoPixel LEDs are cheap and easy-to-use RGB LEDs, digitally addressable. Example code, libraries and supporting content can be found easily...

| Last week at Elektor.Labs we were honored by Coen de Bruijn stopping by to demonstrate the project he has been working on for the last year...