More about Open Hardware (34)

| 180 LEDs controlled by a single PIC 18F46K22 clocked at 64 MHz. The program is written in C. Open source, open hardware; Use and improve.

| Have you heard about CircuitMaker, the free PCB design tool by Altium? It shares its DNA with Altium Designer and is focused on the Open Har...

| As the field of robotics progresses, robots increasingly share the public and private space with humans. Think of self-driving cars on the r...

| eRIC Nitro features an ATmega328 AVR microcontroller with Arduino bootloader and a low-power eRIC radio module operating in the ISM band (43...

| CadSoft releases EAGLE v.7.5 with new features that simplify the ECAD-to-MCAD design work-flow and improve the import and export capabilitie...

| The Numato Opsis is an FPGA-based open video platform designed to capture and stream live video during events. Its powerful control over the...

| Massimo Banzi, a Co-founder of Arduino and Eric Pan, founder and CEO of Seeedstudio have announced at the Shenzhen 2015 Maker Faire a strate...

| This webinar covers an open source, open hardware digital music synthesizer platform based on a software port from the Soulsby Atmegatron. T...

| Star Trek tricorders help space travelers explore the phenomena of the universe that lie beyond the human senses. Peter Jansen has been buil...

| The development kit of SAM Labs makes working on IoT projects accessible to anyone. At the same time it can serve as a rapid prototyping too...