All items tagged with Power and psu (17)

| Anyone who develops circuits using microcontrollers knows that plug-in ‘wall wart’ power packs do not always make suitable power supplies. O...

| Why couldn’t you just connect two standard switch-mode power supplies in series to create a symmetrical power supply for a power amplifier?...

| This ‘solar’ PSU having been designed for this purpose right from the start, the elements it composes are integrated to a higher extent, lea...

| Many radio amateurs will not fail to recall the chaotic situations that may occur during fielddays or contests, when several radios have t...

| This compact 13-V/2-A power supply for ham radio rigs and other VHF/UHF portable PMRs is based on the STR2012/13 voltage regulator IC from...

| Transistorized RF power amplifiers and mobile transceivers require mains power supplies capable of supplying very high currents while rema...

| How do you know whether your precious laboratory/workshop power supply unit is still working to specification? How do you measure the para...