All items tagged with psu and SMPS (8)

| A few years ago, Elektor published a 30-V, 3-A adjustable benchtop power supply dubbed UniLab2. To keep the total outlay down, it had a rath...

| Introduction:A step-up or a boost converter circuit converts a low voltage into a higher value output voltage.

| Introduction:A step-up or a boost converter circuit converts a low voltage into a higher value output voltage.

| A new project is taking shape in our Elektor Labs. In the capable hands of designer Ton Giesberts a switch-mode power supply (SMPSU) is now...

| DC/DC converters! They’re often quite useful, sometimes indispensable and most of the time very energy efficient. I am starting to apply the...

| Why couldn’t you just connect two standard switch-mode power supplies in series to create a symmetrical power supply for a power amplifier?...

| Switched mode power supply units (SMPSUs) are popular but difficult to build oneself as well problematic when it comes to understanding thei...

| The OSCAR Stand-Alone MP3 Player described in last year’s September issue appears to be very popular with our readers. So popular in fact, t...